Los Angeles Homeless Count
Participate in the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count to help collect the data to develop strategies to end homelessness and determine where funding and resources will do the most good. Register to count in the San Fernando Valley at the Sherman Oaks/Encino Chamber Office or Church of the Chimes, both at 8pm.
Categories: Community ServicesGovernmentHealth and Wellness
Categories: Chamber Of Commerce
RegisterCategories: Recreation & Sports
Categories: GovernmentChamber Of Commerce
RegisterCategories: Festivals & CelebrationsCommunity ServicesChamber Of Commerce
RegisterCategories: Community ServicesChamber Of CommerceContinuing EducationHealth and Wellness
RegisterCategories: Community ServicesChamber Of CommerceRecreation & SportsHealth and Wellness
RegisterCategories: GovernmentChamber Of Commerce
RegisterCategories: Chamber Of Commerce